The Core Review
Submission Guidelines
Submissions open July 1 -- September 30; January 1 - March 31
Always free to submit.
Currently closed for submissions. Reopens January 1, 2025.
Poetry submissions should be no more than 10 total pages of poetry, in a 12-point font.
Please include a title at the top of each poem, and page numbers on each page. Each poem should begin on a new page. Submit as a single document as a .doc or .docx file.
Prose submissions should be up to 6,000 words, double-spaced, in a 12-point font. The Core Review accepts a variety of prose, including but not limited to fiction, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, and hybridized prose.
Please include a title at the top of your submission, and page numbers on each page. Please submit your work as a .doc or .docx file.
We recommend that visual submissions are a maximum of 10-12 pages. Our definition for visual narrative is intentionally broad to allow for a range of experimentation, media, and genre-blurring in the work.
Please include a title at the top of your submission and page numbers on each page, if possible. Published pieces will appear in color online and in black and white in print. Please submit your work as a .doc or .docx file.