Dinner Party In Green



thank you for saving my place
at the table while I was stuck
picking out gray from under
my nails can I ask you and
I mean this politely can I ask
what’s on the menu tonight
I know
that ladies take off their corsets
when they eat they go bare breasted
is it true I’m sorry to ask this is it
true about the aftertaste
I heard
something that it has notes of
green chartreuse and alchemy
it stings the gums like hell but
is otherwise pleasant and
oh goodness
I didn’t notice you
were dissolving I didn’t see
your feet under the table
melting in your brogues
staining the carpet emerald
I get it
I do it too sometimes try not to get
sick if it happens well then try
not to vomit if you do vomit try
to keep it in your mouth if it gets
out you’ll make such a scene and
oh that’s the worst part
the worst feeling
I know


JANE FEINSOD is a poet and educator living in Philadelphia, PA. She received her MFA from UMass Amherst, where she was named a Rose Fellow. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Redivider, phoebe, The Shore, Arkansas International, and elsewhere. 


Issue 1 | Fall 2024

